Peverett is an unusual surname, if it’s also your surname you might be wondering if we are related.


To the left is an ancestor chart showing Alex (my boy) at the bottom and his Great6 Grandfather, John Peverett at the top.


This particular branch of the family (ending with Alexander and starting with John) has been documented and can be found on-line at the Genes-Reunited website.


There are 136 relations in this particular tree but I’d be surprised if there aren’t a few branches still to be found.


I’m afraid you will have to register with Genes-Reunited to view other people’s family trees. However, if you do join, you need only request access to the tree and I will grant it. You could also drop me a line; I have some nice images from various national censuses.


1740 is when centralised record keeping for births, deaths and marriages really began in England. Before that you have to go back to parish records.


However, at that time there were three main locations for Peverett families in England; the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire.






This is a map showing the counties in the South East of England. My ancestor, John, hails from Norfolk and the family lived there for a number of generations, in and around the village of South Lopham.


Census records show other Peveretts living around South and North Lopham who do not seem to be directly related to my branch of the family. This, and the general geographical closeness of the three main Peverett families at that time, leads to the conclusion that they may all have had a common family root before that time.


So, if your surname is Peverett too, we are most likely quite distantly related.


“Lonesome” Dave Peverett – RIP


Team Doyobi – not sure which one is Alex


Some (in)famous Peveretts, none of whom seem to be from my branch of the family tree:




